Mumsaid take care of yourself
Today I went to a well-known day spa in our fair city and had an aloe and herb body wrap. I was scared, ashamed, scared, unsure, curious, excited, get the point. You may be wondering, "What's the big deal? Why is Pattermomma so damn scared?" Well... Two children and various stages of using food or the control of food as medicine have left my body in not the most attractive of states. I am the heaviest I have ever been (maybe...I think I might have dropped a couple pounds this summer), and had my youngest in November. It takes some of us mommas a little longer than others to return to what is now the New Normal. My belly is floppy, my breasts are suffering from gravity, and what the hell happened to my ass and thighs? Since when did I start looking like...a Mother? I often thank the Fates that I am no longer the naive youngun' I was in my early twenties, but I also curse those same Fates for removing the physical perfection along...