
Showing posts from July, 2009

Officially in Third I brave enough to post pics? I'll think about it.

Pretty cool ticker from The Bump. Now to see if it actually keeps track over time. Either way, it's cute, and I certainly have my priorities....

Reading for Mommas...Yes, There is Time for That

During these lazy, hazy days of summer, my 8YO and I have traveled to as many of the St. Louis County Libraries as possible. (More on that later. Til then, browse here: ) I have found two books thus far that are worthy of posting, as they have made me laugh out loud while lying my beached whale self on the couch. (Ok, I admit, that's all I have read so far, excepting the craft books that serve as eye candy while a certain neighbor a couple doors down isn't mowing his lawn with his shirt off.) In no particular order, might I recommend a couple books to the momma's out there? #1: Not Tonight Honey, wait til I'm a size 6 by Susan Reinhardt For any momma who understands the need for a You momma's know what I mean. Pay particular attention to the chapter titled, "The Uterine Comptroller." I was laughing out loud at that one. Note: This author is southern through and through. Though not all of us worr