Two days to go...

Wow. It's been awhile since I posted. After two false alarms, gestational diabetes, and a serious stumble into SAD, I am being induced on Tuesday.
I had such big plans for this blog. I guess I'm still not finished with it. Tim has created Patterville, our very own family site that will basically be my blog/craft adventure outlet, so what to do with Mumsaid? Hmmm...

My purposes for this blog:

1) Mumsaid I am a Writer
After an upset with my place of work, I hesitate to speak freely about anything, so my writing career will have to be put on hold until I actually quit working in "the social and political democracy in which we live." (This is a catch phrase from my college years. We were taught to be liberally-minded educators at the ready for when our country needed us. It turns out that our country is so completely litigious that freedom of speech isn't exactly guaranteed.) So, writing anything and having an actual following will have to wait.

2) Mumsaid I am an Artist
The whole Idie Craft Scene intrigues me. It is like a siren song, calling to me from deep waters, knowing that I can't exactly swim without a life preserver. If I was to pursue my Craftiest Dreams, I could use Mumsaid to promote/document/share my creations and perhaps sell my wares.
Now for the SAD part...every fall I dig myself into a nice comfy ditch (figuratively speaking, of course) and pretty much refuse to come out until spring. So for at least six months of the year, I become completely and totally depressed. I am pretty good at "faking it" when need be, but that just compounds the issue when I return to my den to hibernate. It started this year before my maternity leave, and seems to be intensified due to my status as a human incubator. (Hence, the past two days in pyjamas until noon. I know my parents caught that while I was on Skype with them.)
What does this have to do with Mumsaid I am an Artist? Well, the depressive thinking patterns I indulge myself in often center around self-defeat. In thinking about a creative future, I often begin with "never." For example,"You're never going to (be a working artist/craftster, succeed, own a shop, sell your baked goods, etc.)" This beginning can be very limiting.
After a good while wasting time mentally beating myself into a pulp, I find it near impossible to take that first step towards fulfilling my dreams. I forge on working for The Company and "the social and political democracy" for yet another day. And for yet another day, I put off doing what Mumsaid.


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